Monday, February 22, 2010

What's at your bird feeder?

What's at your bird feeder?
Turkeys are visiting our bird feeders this winter. Jim counted 23 of these huge birds over the weekend. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I spy

I spy a blurry cardinal at the bird feeder

I spy another blurry cardinal in the tree

I spy waaay too much snow on the trees!

I think I spy our sidewalk...its there...just squint!

I spy Jim trying to plow the driveway....again!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weaving Guild---Basket Making

I finally uploaded our basket making session. Enjoy


Words cannot express the feeling of checking on the animals and having snow go all the way up your backside! There were drifts that I stepped in that actually touched my butt! Our animals are trying to figure this out too. Now how do I get to Agland to replace my light in the chicken barn?