Friday, October 30, 2009

Chickens are just sooo....

I love my girls and my beautiful Light Brahma Boy. Our rooster is the kind that has feathers on his feet. If it weren't so muddy you could probably see them. However it is very overcast today and difficult to see much of anything. I keep throwing down straw for them so they don't get so muddy. This also helps to keep the eggs mud free too!
Our beautiful Farm Fresh eggs.

Ursula... you are NOT an Alpaca!

Rooster on Patrol.

My day off.

I get to rake some leaves...

But there are sooo many more to do.....

Rikki is a good guard dog.

Cookie is my little pudgy buddy. I need to take you for a walk.

OK Girls.... your turn!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Girls in the pumpkin patch!

Allison and Emily were carving pumpkins today. I let out the chickens because I was cleaning the coop. It looks like the hens found all the pumpkin guts! Now Al and Em won't have to clean up! *smile*

Our Fiber Arrives!

Our fiber arrived from the mill today. We gave it to them at the Wooster Fiber Show at the end of May. We just received it and Allison is sooooo excited. She can't wait to spin.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm worried about our one hen. Her neck is all tore up! It's as though something tried to grab her about the neck. Only one hen looks like this and everyone (except Ursula) was in the chicken run when I came home this evening. I the #(*&@) coyote back? Where's my .22? I'm not happy.

Help Grow Your Soup: Community Projects

Help Grow Your Soup: Community Projects

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting Caught up!

First of all...where did September go? We have been busy with volleyball and now that the season has ended...perhaps I can post more regularly.

Farm update. I spotted the coyote again! Unfortunately the .22 wasn't readily available and he slinked (grammar issue?) off before we got our act together... think 3 Stooges style! *smile*

Since the rainy season has hit us hard everything and every critter is MUDDY! We really need a few days to dry out. I've been throwing straw into the chicken yard to help my ladies along. They seem to like to scratch through the clumps. I was scattering the straw leaves about...but no more. The girls do a fine job. They are eating more...just like me. LOL. It could be that 'nesting' thing. (I know...right...just don't groan). My rooster is terrific. He takes care of his girls with love and gentleness. I think he is very happy with his harem. Best of all he is happy with his human caretakers. In my opinion, the worst thing on a farm is an aggressive rooster. I absolutely love this guy!

The alpacas are humming along. I rolled in the last of the hay bale this past Sunday and they are laying about it...munching on it and using it as a pillow! I'll try to snap a picture of that. I find them there every morning.

We've had a killing frost and I need to take care of the garden. The balance of the tomato plants need to pulled and mulched. We've picked our pumpkins. We got almost a dozen moderately sized ...(are these classified gourds or squash?) squash. Now the girls are planning their carving strategy.

We were contacted yesterday and our fiber has been processed! We should receive it by the end of the week. Allison can't wait to spin it up! Now I can sell some of our fleece roving too!

We want to fit in a corn maze and a haunted house 'field trip'. (I'm full of the groaners today!)

I need to get the camera back to post more photos.
Until next time....