Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Next project - Grandma's handiwork

Jim and I decided we would learn how to make wine. I went to an initial lesson, ordered the equipment, received the equipment and scheduled a home lesson to begin the process.But in thinking ahead, we were wondering where we could put our wine. We don't have any space in our home to house a wine cellar. ( we don't have a basement). So we decided it would be best to borrow Grandma's basement. However, in recent years Grandma's basement has be a refuge for many wayward items of hers and ours. :)
SO I decided to clean out a room for a wine cellar. I felt like I was on the TV show American Pickers. I found many neat things, some garage sale fodder and other potential heirlooms for the family. I will post here some of the findings. Should anyone in the family decide they wish to keep some of Grandmas Handiwork, email me and I'll send it to you.
Off to find more treasures!

2 TURKEY baskets and one Scarecrow/Pumpkin head basket.

BUNNY Basket (number 2 of 2) and in front are three ceramic eggs she made. The one of the far left cracked and she glued it back together. They all would look good in this basket of hers!

BUNNIES!!! In the background are two bunny door hangings (ala door wreaths...see-- on a wicker flat) and in the foreground a famous bunny basket. If you don't have one-- this is one of the two that are left.

These are Christmas ornaments crafted out of plastic canvas and hand stitched.

Choir Bells - These are a pair of bells - 1975 -

Baby (trying to suck on it's toe!) 1973 - pearly paint

This is a little child holidng a basket containing a bunny - 1972 - pearly paint

Unsure what to call this cutie - hummel style - 1974 COOKER ADOPTED

SCHOOL BOY AND GIRL - 1971 - humel style

KISSING ANGELS - 1977 - Pearly Paint

PAPERBOY - 1971 - Hummel Style (she even wrote "Vindiator" on the newspapers!) LINDA Adopted

Mini Garden Pot--I mean mini,tiny, itty bitty... you get the deal. 1980!

That 70's Show! A candle holder (74) that will hold a massive candle and a small vase. (73)

A little larger vase... with gold paint! 1971

Hill Billy Mug... this made me laugh! ALLISON ADOPTED

Leprechaun Decanter... The hat has a cork around it to be purposed as a wine/liquor decanter. I like the guy... he's cute.

Another hummel style piece. She did an awesome job on this.COOKER ADOPTED

And everyone needs a dutch ceramic shoe!

And I found this Hershey collectable if anyone wants. JAMIE ADOPTED

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